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Monday, June 9, 2008

Woolworths Are Evil!

Selfish, Greedy, Evil. These are a few words I use to describe Woolworths. This posting is more personal rather than informative than my usual postings. I have something to admit, I have worked for the company for the last three and half years. After this period of slaving away for this company, I have lost all respect I have for Woolworths.

Woolworths only care about two things: making a profit and keeping the shareholders happy. They will try and get money any possible way they can. They couldn't give a damn about their employees. What they should realise is that we are the ones at the bottom of the chain who are bring in their record billion dollar profits year after year and what do we get in return, nothing! The company has no staff focus at all.

On top of their lack of appreciation for their staff, they are continually trying to over dominate the market by purposely squeezing out small businesses. They do this by putting their prices as low as possible. On occasion some items are Woolworths are priced so low that not even they are making a profit on those items, in fact they are incurring a loss. This is a tactic the company uses to squeeze out small businesses.

I encourage everyone to stop shopping at Woolworths and Coles and to support smaller businesses who are hurting the most. By continuing to shop at Woolworths and Coles, you are supporting them and encouraging these companies to continue what they are doing. Personally, I couldn't care less if people don't shop there. I'm still going to get paid at the end of the day. I certainly have no incentive to encourage people to shop at Woolworths. If I was earning a commission on every sale on the other hand than my story would be different.

Would love to hear what you guys think of Woolworths and even Coles too!


Anonymous said...

What can I say, I'm thrilled that someone is out there who hates woolworths as much as I do.

I have been working there for three (going on four) years. In this time customers have been perfectly happy with my attitude. However today I was, in short, told that if a mystery shopper (mystery shopper- who names these? Sounds like something from Scooby Doo) were to go through my register I would fail and let down the store, all because I didn't beat the everyday rewards card out of them (and like I said, that's in short). Seriously, if they add another thing on for us to ask I am going to go crazy. Woolworths just doesn't seem to get that a long list of questions just pisses customers off.

Also, according to the HR person I don't smile enough ( I think she used the word 'rare'). Considering I had my back to her when I was serving customers I find this one hard to understand ( was there a mirror I wasn't aware of showing her my face). And, for the record I did smile, at each and every customer. It just wasn't the fake 'I'm pretending to care but I really don't give a shit' smile that they seem to think is necessary. You would only have to look at my eyes to know the smiles were genuine- as the kind lady who is bringing me a plant cutting from her own garden would no doubt tell them. (them being the woolworths employees who believe the bullshit on their checklists)

Lets just say that today's experience (which left me jittery and fearful of counseling sessions for the remainder of my shift) has kick started my job search.

Anonymous said...

A guy I work with had his discount card canceled by mistake six mths ago. It still hasn't been fixed so he doesn't even get the dodgy 5% discount.

Cassandra said...

After 5 years of working for Woolworths on checkouts I decided it was time to move on. You eventually get sick of the amount of bitching/socialising that happens up at the front desk and start wondering why you ever came into this department to start off with. I tried to be transferred to a different department, but unfortunately they were unable to find a vacancy for me. You see the problem was that as a Casual employee at the age of 19, you are way beyond what the company is willing to pay you, because as we are all aware, all Woolworths is looking to achieve is profit. Nothing else.

Now I work as a paralegal in a law firm, yes getting paid slightly less than a salary person at Woolworths might achieve, but I would much prefer this than working for them. It is so much more mentally challenging, oh and noone treats you like crap.

Cassandra said...

Oh and I'll just mention this. My boyfriend who has worked at Woolworths almost 5 years now is beginning to question his loyalty. He is a produce 2IC at a smaller 'training' store and has been in this position for over a year now. He is one of the hardest workers I have ever known and apart from his immediate manager he doesn't seem receive any credit for the long hours he works everyday. To give you an idea, this week he is filling in for the Produce manager who is away for a week on holidays. His six day week has so far seen him work 60 hours... and he still has two more of the longest days to go. By the end of his week, he most likely will have worked 80-90 hours. Can someone please PLEASE tell me how Woolworths manages to overlook all of their staff? Where the freaking hell is the Human Resources Department. For such a huge company their HR department is completely useless.

Look, any workplace that causes someone to consider stepping down from their current position (which apparently has crossed my boyfriend's mind today) cannot be doing anything right. I believe Woolworths needs to take a huge leap back and re-evaluate their entire company. From what I hear off blogs I have been reading...all staff have experienced being treated like pieces of dirt and it's not fair. I hope it will come and bite them on the arse one day. No employee should feel like they are worthless in the big scheme of things.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I have worked fow woolworths for about 10 years..... I actually manage for them (not telling where or at what level!).

I got to say, you are completely right... Actually the deception and greed runs far deeper than you realize. Everyday rewards is a method of building customer database - they will know all your shopping history and will evaluate how to market to you and maximize profit based on analysis of your personality - they will know exactly what kinda person you are. What fuel you buy, if you have sex - pets,vegetarian, green thinker, etc. all this data will be gathered from what you buy and where.

Also, management bonuses hinge on more than profit. SALES SALES - squeeze out the small guy. Comp checks - if you don't put the pressure on your competitors and your staff and the customers you will miss out. If your staff hurt themselves you better do everything in you power (legally or illegally I've seen it happen) to pressure the staff into not taking any days off work no matter how hurt they are. If they get a compo pay - forget some of your bonus.

Staff levels are squeezed to ridiculous lows and keeping up with service, food safety, safety and all the woolworths bullshit is impossible. Stress levels are incredible. Woolworths is a perfect example of "Capitalist pigs". Corporate greed has gone on too long.

By the way, the MASSIVE profits made by woolies are not inclusive of capital gains and expanding the business.... Last year's 1.6 Billion was a drop in the pond.