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Monday, April 28, 2008

Wikipedia, a Good Source of Information but Not All is What it Seems

Personally, I love Wikipedi. It is a great source of information and contains articles on practically everything and anything. One thing that internet surfers need to be aware of though as that this information is not always correct. This is because simply anyone can write up their own article on something and post it on Wikipedia. All though Wikipedia does check these articles, they are still online and live beforehand for everyone to see.

WIKIPEDIA - Check It Out

Paypal Now The Only Method of Payment on eBay

eBay recently annoucned that it will be making Paypal as the only method of payment for buyers and sellers. eBay plans on eventually phasing out all other methods such as bank deposit and direct credit card payments.

eBay claims they are doing this to protect customers from being the victims of fraud as Paypal is a much safer and easy way of paying for items and receiving payments if you are a seller. This is because when a customer pays by Paypal, their bank or credit card details are not shown to the receipent. When a customer signs up for paypal, they provide Paypal with their banking or credit card details which are linked to their Paypal account. Paypal acts as a link between the buyer and seller.

I do believe there are benefits from doing this but I also believe this is a direct stab in the back, particullary for sellers. For sellers who make their living on eBay, everytime they receive a Paypal payment, a small slice of that payment is taken in which paypal keeps for themselves. Alot of people should also be aware that Paypal is in fact owned by eBay. On top of this, sellers are also slugged with insertion fees by eBay for their items and a final value fee (a percentage of the sale price in which eBay keeps). In one sense this is double dipping and greed by eBay. I believe that if Paypal is the only method of payment that customers can make then there should be no fees at all as eBay is already making a huge profit from their own site let alone the fees that Paypal brings in.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Grand Theft Auto 4! Soon to be Released!

Well as many of you probably know. GTA4 is soon to be released to buy (29 April I believe). I plan on purchasing my copy for PS3 when it comes out but I don't want to spend $119.95 on a game. ($119.95 from Target, a rip if you ask me). Why would anyone pay that when you can get the same thing online, Brand New!!! Check out below for more.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Pureprofile - Free Money for Practically Doing Nothing!

The title pretty much says it all. All you do is sign up, give a lit bit of information about yourself and you will receive surveys for you to complete which you are paid for of course. Plus there is also the inovative 'next' button, by simply clicking, it scrolls through banners and websites all of which you receive money for viewing. Sign up, give it ago. It's much like Emailcash but much more rewarding i believe.
